Great Yarmouth Multi-Cultural & Faith Network


From Fr. Anthony


To establish, support and grow a community-led Network or Forum for the voice of Ethnic minorities, migrant, GRT and faith communities including residents and community-led organisations offering support to those residents. 

Support for residents in all forms including but not limited to: advocacy for residents, skills, training, employment and support to access health services.  

The Network will be a positive place with space to come together regularly, share ideas, listen, hear and feedback to the Borough Council and its partners organisations working as part of the Great Yarmouth Community Hub.

Participants in this Network will work together to support communication and engagement with Great Yarmouth Borough Council and its statutory partners in terms of access to information, and help shape the design of services that meet the needs of Ethnic minorities, migrant, GRT and faith communities.


Membership is open to any organisation involved in providing support, advice or delivery of services to Ethnic minorities, migrants, Gypsy, Roma and Travellers, and to residents from these communities and from the range of faith communities and networks active in the borough.

Network meetings are therefore open to individuals, services, employers or delivery partners that reside or operate in the borough of Great Yarmouth. 

Members of the Network are expected to be respectful of each other’s views so as to foster an inclusive and receptive environment where all individuals are welcome to seek help, foster ideas and exchange knowledge.

Participants in the Network will therefore:Encourage free sharing of knowledge.

Respect fellow members as human beings, along with the diversity of our members’ backgrounds, perspectives, education, and experiences.

Be supportive of each other.

Be polite and friendly.

Be tolerant and considerate.

Act professionally, ethically and with integrity.

How often will the group meet?

The Network will meet monthly initially for a one hour for a collaborative online discussion or/& face-to-face depending on social distancing guidelines.

Purpose of the NetworkTo build links to support community cohesion across the borough of Great Yarmouth.

To create opportunities for partnership working, to work together to shape support services.

To capture feedback and share updates and messages within the community to keep them informed and involved.

To support Ethnic minorities/Migrant/Gypsy Roma Traveller /faith groups to access services and statutory support.

To collaborate with similar forums in neighbouring local authority areas and share good practice.

Support for the Network

Membership, administration and secretariat will be supported by Great Yarmouth Borough Council for the first twelve months in the form of funding for a co-ordinator/support role. The Network to nominate a Chair from within the membership.

These Terms of Reference were agreed by the Network on 14 July 2021.

In the presence of 23 inaugural participants

Copyright 2021© St Mary's 
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